
Big Personality, Little Dog

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Millie

​“Even the tiniest poodle or Chihuahua is still a wolf at heart...

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - April

​“The key to a successful new relationship between a cat and human is ...
A cabin in the Northwoods, amid a mixed conifer-hardwood forest, is the perfect place to attempt a variety of retirement pursuits. At the top of Pam’s list: Get snowed in. Photo Credit to Joni Kupar

Good Natured - Pam Otto is Retiring: Part Two

​Well, here we are folks, the second part of this long good-bye, and t...
Photo taken by the late local photographer, Ron Dickenson

Good Natured - Pam Otto is Retiring: Part One

​Well folks, for once in my life, I'm going to get right to the point...
Meet Drifloon!

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Drifloon

​“Look into the eyes of a cat for a moment...
Where woodpeckers excavate on houses depends on a number of factors

Good Natured - The Woodpecker

​With apologies to Edgar Allan Poe, I offer you the following recap of...
Meet Penny, again!

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Penny

​“Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog...
Meet McFlurry

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - McFlurry

​“My cat is not insane, she's just a really good actress...
The Cooper’s hawk, right, and sharp-shinned hawk look very similar but, it turns out, are not as closely related as once thought.  Credit iStock/Mr. Leonard Photography

Good Natured: Cooper's Taxonomy

​I remember exactly where I was when I read the news...
Meet Jasper!

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Jasper

​“The dog was created especially for children...
Blair Peters, far right, with his trainee Maui

Kane County Staffer's Volunteer Work Showcased on National TV

Blair Peters, Kane County’s Technical Coordinator, is making a differe...
Less boldly marked than their golden-crowned cousins, the ruby-crowned kinglet does have a noticeable white eye ring and wing bar. However only males bear the ruby crown, and they often keep it tucked out of sight.

Good Natured: Extended Kinglet-Sighting Season

The other day when I was shopping in a local establishment known for i...