
Meet Pretzel

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Pretzel

“Actually, my dog I think is the only person who consistently loves m...
Meet Daffy

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Daffy

“The love of a dog is a pure thing...
Big Personality, Little Dog

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Millie

​“Even the tiniest poodle or Chihuahua is still a wolf at heart...

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - April

​“The key to a successful new relationship between a cat and human is ...
A cabin in the Northwoods, amid a mixed conifer-hardwood forest, is the perfect place to attempt a variety of retirement pursuits. At the top of Pam’s list: Get snowed in. Photo Credit to Joni Kupar

Good Natured - Pam Otto is Retiring: Part Two

​Well, here we are folks, the second part of this long good-bye, and t...
Photo taken by the late local photographer, Ron Dickenson

Good Natured - Pam Otto is Retiring: Part One

​Well folks, for once in my life, I'm going to get right to the point...
Meet Drifloon!

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Drifloon

​“Look into the eyes of a cat for a moment...
Where woodpeckers excavate on houses depends on a number of factors

Good Natured - The Woodpecker

​With apologies to Edgar Allan Poe, I offer you the following recap of...
Meet Penny, again!

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Penny

​“Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog...
Meet McFlurry

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - McFlurry

​“My cat is not insane, she's just a really good actress...
The Cooper’s hawk, right, and sharp-shinned hawk look very similar but, it turns out, are not as closely related as once thought.  Credit iStock/Mr. Leonard Photography

Good Natured: Cooper's Taxonomy

​I remember exactly where I was when I read the news...
Meet Jasper!

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Jasper

​“The dog was created especially for children...