Federal Funding for Numerous Projects Impacting Kane County in the $1.7 Trillion Federal Spending Package
Kane County Connects Staff 12/29/2022 7:00AM
Here is a list of the projects receiving funding from the federal government's latest spending plan.
The dollar amounts and project descriptions were provided by members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation representing communities in Kane County.
$1,800,000 for Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry in Aurora. This enhanced response to food insecurity will be undertaken through formalized collaborations with service partners and novel education program development. The project includes purchase of property across the street from the current facility and use of that property for coordinated access to critical wrap around services from community partners on food distribution days. Moreover, expansion includes desperately needed renovations to the purchased site and the current food distribution center to improve safety, flow, access and client dignity.
$4,700,000 for Fox Valley Park District in Aurora. This project consists of final engineering and construction of a 780' long bicycle and pedestrian bridge spanning the Fox River. The project eliminates a major barrier to trail access.
$500,000 for VNA Health Care in Aurora. Funding will be used to support the construction of a new healthcare center in Joliet built on land already owned by VNA. It will support 24 examination rooms, a wellness kitchen, waiting areas, lab, nursing stations, and a mental and behavioral health service department.
$955,000 for Aurora University in Aurora. Funding Request for the Emerging Technologies Learning Lab is a one-time request to purchase technology and equipment to create three high-impact learning spaces within the Lab: Virtual Reality Classroom, Visualization Room, and Workplace Simulation. This innovative and dynamic center for student success will include an experiential and immersive learning opportunity powered by emerging technologies such as virtual reality, mixed reality, and augmented reality.
$3,000,000 for Association for Individual Development (AID) in Aurora. AID, Hesed House and The Neighbor Project have formed a partnership to purchase and renovate an existing apartment building in Aurora, IL into a mixed-use Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) + Pathway to Homeownership residence.
$2,280,000 for City of Aurora Public Safety Technology Project in Aurora. The Aurora Police Department is in the process of upgrading the technology infrastructure to improve public safety. The project is taking a holistic approach that includes the 911 Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), the camera/recording system in the interview rooms and the phone system in the city's 911 Dispatch center. The PSAP will improve the effective delivery of emergency communications to first responders. The backup 911 Dispatch center at Fire Station 8 and the main Aurora Police Department 911 Dispatch center will be modernized with new and advanced workstation consoles, enhanced innovated noise control solutions, and next generation technologies/capabilities.
$1,000,000 for City of Aurora "Montgomery Rd/Hill Ave Intersection" in Aurora. The project consists of improving the intersection of Montgomery Road and Hill Avenue by modernizing traffic signals, reconstructing and widening the roadways to include additional travel (through) lanes and turn lanes, constructing bike paths and sidewalks, making ADA ramp improvements, making a right-of-way acquisition to do the improvements, working on drainage, and other pertinent improvements. The project will improve traffic capacity, safety and traffic operations while minimizing environmental impacts.
$3,000,000 for the Batavia Interfaith Food Pantry in Batavia for the relocation of the Pantry and Clothes Closet, which has served the community for 40 years and will now have the capacity to store and offer more services, including healthy, fresh foods, clothing, and other necessities for residents.
$2,000,000 for Boys & Girls Clubs of Dundee Township for the Woodlands Community Impact Center, a new community center that will provide under-resourced, minority youth with proven afterschool and summer programs in Carpentersville, IL.
Elgin/South Elgin
$3,000,000 for the Association for Individual Development to build a Community Mental Health Center and social services facility in Elgin, IL.
$2,391,407 for the Gail Borden Public Library District’s South Elgin Branch expansion, which will create a dedicated space for children and families, as well as additional meeting and programming areas in South Elgin, IL.
$936,000 to Elgin Community College to launch its Mechatronics/Automation Certificate Program in Elgin, IL.
$974,843 for the Huntley Shops on Main in Huntley. The funding will pay for the construction and development of the Huntley Shops on Main, which will support entrepreneurs with federal funding for retail space, revitalizing the community, and creating local jobs.
$1,250,000 for Fox Valley Habitat for Humanity in Montgomery. The Fox Valley Habitat Green Freedom 17 home neighborhood is a breakthrough project for Habitat for Humanity's mission to provide affordable homes for hard working families of low to moderately low income. The funds requested will be used to provide the infrastructure for the neighborhood, including water and sewer lines, streets, sidewalks and stormwater mitigation.
$54,000 for the Wayne Police Department in Wayne. This funding will be used to purchase new patrol radios and updated computers for department squad cars. This will help the department equip new patrol officers and aid in communication and delivery of police services.
Source: Congressional Offices of Underwood, Krishnamoorthi, Foster and Casten.
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