
Community Scoop: Kane County Shares Favorite Ice Cream Spots
This summer, Kane County Connects invited residents to share their fa...

Good Natured: Red-Winged Blackbird Season
Every year about this time, certain wild neighbors start making headl...

Kane County Joins in Swedish Days Parade
Kane County staff and Board members enjoyed walking in the Grand Para...

Good Natured: Cicadas Under Pressure
The other day I was puttering in the garage and listening, as I often...

Third Annual Kane County Government Garden Growing Goodwill
The third annual Kane County Volunteer Garden is already taking ...

Good Natured: Polyphemus Moth and Cocoon Part Two
Last week we spent some time getting to know Poly Pupa, the cocoon pr...

Good Natured: Cicadas' Performance of a Lifetime
If you've ever attended a theater production, you're probably familia...

Good Natured: History of Periodical Cicadas Will Repeat Itself
Perhaps you've heard the adage, “Never let the truth get in the way o...

Good Natured: Periodical Cicadas
In just a few weeks, one of the year's biggest natural phenomena will...