Recycling by the Numbers and New Options for Unwanted Meds
The final event of Kane County's Recycling program for this year didn't disappoint. Seven hundred twenty-five households took advantage to shred personal documents and recycle clothing and home goods, latex paint, aerosols and child car seats. Here's a breakdown of the items people brought to the September 30, event:
- 24,220 pounds of documents were shredded.
- 5,350 pounds of clothing, textiles and small home goods were collected.
- Five industrial totes were filled with latex paint for processing into new paint.
Additionally, 273 aerosol cans, 20 small propane tanks and 15 car seats were collected for disassembly and recycling.
“We are looking at a repeat of this year's recycling schedule for next year, which is to say, “shredding and more" events with paint and clothing recovery in the spring and fall and a multi-material extravaganza in July," said Kane County Recycling Coordinator Clair Ryan. “The dates will be out with our 2024 Kane County Recycles Green Guide in January," added Ryan.
Sign up here to make sure you get an electronic copy! Need a print copy? Please email recycle@countyofkane.org and we'll put you on the mailing list.
For more information on how to recycle certain items including electronics year around go to https://www.countyofkane.org/Recycling/Pages/Recycling-Centers.asp
There is more news to report about recycling options for Kane County residents wanting to safely dispose of unwanted expired medications.
“It is not good for the environment to flush medications down the toilet or to put them into landfills," said Ryan. “The Illinois Drug Takeback Act was signed into law in June of 2022 and goes into effect December 1 of this year. Under the new program, drug manufacturers will fund collection receptacles at law enforcement offices, hospitals and pharmacies around the state."
There are 20 Kane County collection sites that will be funded by the program in its inaugural year, and residents who are unable to access the sites may also request free, postage-paid mail-back containers by phone or online.
Municipal police departments that are not funded through the program may choose to start or continue independent collection and disposal programs for their residents at their discretion.
Of note, all of the chain pharmacies in Kane County that currently collect medications for safe disposal (two Meijer Pharmacy locations, three CVS locations, and four Walgreens locations) will continue to collect under the new program.
Recycling Program staff will have a complete list and map of drug take-back locations under the new program along with guidance on how to request mail-back containers on the Kane County Recycles website by December 1.
For more information about all the initiatives and programs run by the Kane County Recycles program, go to https://www.countyofkane.org/recycling.