Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission Serves Those Who Served
Kane County is the sixth most veteran populous county in the State of Illinois. In Fiscal Year 2021 (ending November 30, 2021), the Commission secured nearly $4 million in new federal benefits for Kane County veterans, their dependents and their survivors.
Many of the benefits provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) include veteran pensions, survivor’s pensions, burial benefits, education benefits, disability compensation, health care, home loans, etc.
In addition to providing the traditional benefits that many veterans and their families are most familiar with, the Veterans Assistance Commission of Kane County also offers a myriad of other lesser-known benefits to its clients.
“Some of the more popular benefits include a lifetime pass to National Parks, Illinois Hunting & Fishing License, and Property Tax Exemptions among many others,” said Jacob Zimmerman, Superintendent of the Veterans Assistance Commission of Kane County.
The Veterans Assistance Commission of Kane County was founded in 1935 and is comprised of delegates from Kane County’s veteran organizations representing the American Legion, AMVETS, Marine Corps League, Veterans of Foreign Wars and Vietnam Veterans of America.
To learn more about the Commission, sign up for their newsletter or follow their social media pages, visit https://www.countyofkane.org/Pages/veterans.aspx.