Local Farms, Farmers Markets and Non-Profits Awarded Mini Grants
Kane County is partnering with the Illinois Farmers Market Association (ILFMA) to match funds from the Chicago Regional Food System Fund to support greater equity and inclusion for all groups who have been, and still are, marginalized. Mini-grants provide resources to farmers, farmers markets, community organizations, and not for profits that serve Kane County's communities of color including Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). Celebrating its 10th Anniversary, ILFMA (https://www.ilfma.org/) promotes local food production and consumption by offering Illinois farmers markets resources to grow healthier and economically vibrant communities.
ILFMA granted 12 awardees $1500 and on July 12, 2022 Kane County awarded a matching grant of $1500 for a total of $3000 for each recipient. Kane County's matching grants come from the Kane County Economic Development Fund which leverages the Growing for Kane Ordinance and farms, food systems, farmers markets and organizations serving the County's minority communities with accessing locally grown food.
Mini-grants will fund a variety of initiatives and projects including an educational series about nutrition and food preparation, a garden program at School District U-46, an on-farm vegetable processing station, farmers market outreach, on farm equipment, enhanced community gardens and a pilot neighborhood farmers market on the east side of Aurora. The following farms, farmers markets, community non-profits, and urban growers received grants:
· Garlic Breath Farm – Elburn
· Mighty Greens Farm- Elburn
· Pasek Farms- Elgin
· Rustic Road Farm- Elburn
· Charity Blooms – Aurora
· Downtown Elgin Farmers Market- Elgin
· Fox Valley Food for Health- Geneva/Fox Valley
· Glory Gardens- Batavia
· Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry- Aurora
· School District U-46- Greater Elgin Area
· The GardenWorks Project- Batavia
· The Just Food Initiative- Batavia