Climate Concerns Draw Dozens to Kane County Gathering
A certified naturalist, a retired physicist, a disabled farmer, a city administrator and a concerned parent/grandparent were just some of the people who attended the introductory meeting of the Kane County Climate Action Implementation Plan (CAIP) Team.
Nearly 50 people attended the gathering hosted by the Kane County Department of Environmental and Water Resources which is putting together a Climate Action Plan. The plan will act as a blueprint for the County's communities to implement to combat climate change.
Participants included Kevin from West Dundee who said he wanted “to make a difference for my kids and grandkids." Patrick from Batavia told Kane County Connects, he desires to “live lightly on the Earth" and a retired engineer from the City of Elgin said he was concerned about his granddaughter's ability to enjoy the Fox River for years to come. Arad, who identified himself as a “Gen Z resident of Kane County", said he would like the “local environment to be the absolute best it possibly can be … and be as sustainable as it possibly can be."
Whatever the reason, those in attendance came together to work collaboratively to co-create the Kane County Climate Action Plan, and their diverse perspectives will help to shape the plan over the coming months. The planning team will work through a series of workshop meetings through December 2023, with the goal to have a draft plan by January 2024.
“This work is very important," said Kane County Resource Management coordinator, Ivy Klee, “Kane County's municipalities have very different needs, but climate change intersects with everyone's work, so we want to make sure with this plan we are supporting the folks who are dealing with these issues firsthand. This plan will provide a framework or starting point for our municipalities to inform and create their own plans."
To learn more information about the Climate Action Implementation Plan or to take the Climate Action Plan survey, visit https://palebluedot.llc/kane-climate-action.