State School Superintendent Visits the Kane County Juvenile Justice Center
KaneCountyRegionalOfficeofEducation 12/6/2023 12:00PM
On November 21, State Superintendent Dr. Tony Sanders toured the Kane County Juvenile Justice Center. Regional Superintendent Patricia Dal Santo and Assistant Regional Superintendent Deanna Oliver showcased the Education Program run by the Kane County Regional Office of Education. Kane County Court members Superintendent Davis, Chief Judge Hull, Judge Villa, Ms. Sierra, Ms. Aust, and Mr. Rivera joined them as well.
The tour included visiting classrooms and common areas such as the living units, garden, and gym. Sanders engaged with students and got to view their current projects. He expressed his gratitude for the JJC's exceptional educators (Mr. Spalis, Ms. Arient, Mr. Siar, Ms. Wang, and Ms. Wade), as well as the rewards and challenges of working with detained youth.
Source/ School of Thought Newsletter