Kane County Announces $1 Million Plus for Local Projects
Members of the Kane County Board approved $1,116,842.00 in community reinvestment grants to fund local projects ranging from solar panels to educational programs to equipment purchases.
Twenty-six projects in all will receive funding ranging between $3,000 to $95,000. The money comes from the Grand Victoria Riverboat Fund, established by the Kane County Board in 1997 under an agreement with the Elgin Riverboat Resort (Grand Victoria Riverboat). The agreement provides for an annual contribution to the County equal to a set percentage of the riverboat's annual net operating income.
Over the years, the fund has supported a variety of educational, environmental and economic development activities.
Submissions for funding are solicited and reviewed annually by the Kane County Riverboat Committee. The Committee recommendations are then approved by the full County board.
Below is a list of the recipients of community reinvestments grants for FY2023:
Association for Individual Development Purchase of food truck. $94,060
Boys & Girls Club of Elgin Construct Aurora clubhouse. $95,188
Campton Historic Agricultural Lands Purchase equipment for prairie burn. $2,460
Community Crisis Center (Project #1) Purchase/install two vertical platform lifts. $28,571
Community Crisis Center (Project #2) Program salaries and fringe benefits. $56,144
Court Appointed Special Advocates Train and supervise new CASA/GAL volunteers. $37,800
Dundee Township Historical Society Purchase/install interpretive signs. $3,169
Ecker Center for Behavioral Health Staff training and tuition reimbursement. $51,032
Food for Greater Elgin Renovate facility and purchase equipment. $85,722
Forest Preserve District of Kane County Burlington Prairie improvements. $90,100
Fox Valley Food for Health Operating costs for Healthy Meals Program. $77,995
Friends of the Fox River Schweitzer Center facility improvements. $44,050
Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois Camp Dean solar panels, generator, roof, and pool pump. $65,985
Hesed House Replace HVAC system. $37,892
Lazarus House Partial salary/benefits for Guest Development Coordinator. $14,670
Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley English tutoring program. $10,993
Mutual Ground Purchase/install LVT flooring. $14,516
Northern Illinois Food Bank Purchase and brand two 53' dry trailers. $45,303
Preservation Partners (Project #1) Beith House rehabilitation work (roof, gutters, and exterior millwork). $26,392
Preservation Partners (Project #2) Fabyan Forest Preserve and Villa conservation projects. $27,799
Rebuilding Together Aurora Home repair and accessibility modifications. $57,569
River Corridor Foundation of St. Charles Design costs associated with east bank improvements. $4,450
Summit School Window replacement. $17,150
The Literacy Connection Salaries/supplies associated with Feel Fluent Program. $23,602
Univ. of IL Extension Kane County Community educational programs. $88,593
YWCA Elgin Salary/benefits/training/materials for Family Literacy Program. $15,637
Total $1,116,842
Learn more about the Kane County Riverboat Fund Program at https://www.countyofkane.org/pages/kcci/rfp.aspx