Questions about Where to Pay Unpaid Property Taxes
There have been inquiries regarding unpaid property taxes, and where residents can make their payments.
If unpaid property taxes were payable in June and/or September 2024, payment must be made at the County Treasurer's Office: https://treasurer.kanecountyil.gov
If property taxes were payable in a prior year (i.e., 2021, 2022, 2023), payment must be made at the County Clerk's Office.
Both offices are located on the Kane County Government Campus in Geneva.
Residents are encouraged to contact the Clerk's Office to obtain an exact redemption amount before visiting the office to make a payment. Call the Clerk's Office at 630-232-5964.
Redemption can only be made by means of cash, certified funds or money order made payable to the Kane County Clerk.
Further information can be found at: https://clerk.kanecountyil.gov/.../Pages/taxRedemption.aspx