Kane County Pavement Marking Project
Kane County Connects Staff 7/1/2022 11:00AM
The annual Kane County Pavement Marking Program work will begin the week of July 5th, weather permitting.
The work shall include installation of paint pavement makings onto 236 miles of County highways as indicated on the attached maps.
The County’s typical process is to apply paint pavement markings annually on the majority of the County’s rural highways and the more durable urethane pavement marking to the high volumeCounty highways.
This pavement marking project will improve the visibility of the lane markings for the motoring public. The work is anticipated to be completed by the end of September, weather dependent.
Temporary daily lane closures will be required Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM to safely accomplish this work. Lane closures are scheduled to start in the north end of the county, working their way south until all necessary lane lines have been restriped.
The north to south progression may change as weather impacts may dictate alternate striping sequences. Temporary flagger control of intersections will be required along the entire route in order to safely accomplish the required work.
Information provided by the Kane County Division of Transportation