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Pictures courtesy of Kane County ROE

Kane County ROE Holds Crisis Reunification Training

This month, the Kane County Regional Office of Education (ROE) hosted three training sessions designed to prepare school districts and emergency responders for effective family-student reunifications during a crisis...
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Kane County Employee Annual Milestone Recognition Event

Kane County Employee Milestone Recognition Event

In June, 64 Kane County employees were honored for reaching significant career milestones...
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Night sky

Kane County Forest Preserve District to Implement New Lighting Policy to Protect Night Sky

​The Forest Preserve District of Kane County is set to launch a new initiative aimed at reducing light pollution caused by artificial lights...
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Forrest. Photo taken by Pam Ely, Mental Health Director for the Juvenile Justice Center

Forrest, the Beloved Courthouse Facility Dog, Retires

​Kane County's courthouse community is heartbroken as Forrest, the facility dog, has unexpectedly retired...
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Recent Articles

Meet Xena!

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Xena

​“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet...
Kane County Blood Drive

Thank You - Kane County Government Blood Drive Exceeds Expectations

The recent Kane County Government blood drive, held in collaboration w...
Miles from home, a displaced cicada sits, silently, as his next adventure awaits.

Good Natured: Cicadas Under Pressure

​The other day I was puttering in the garage and listening, as I often...
Kane County Health Department List of Cooling Centers

Cooling Centers in Kane County

​This week is going to be HOT...