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Large tree downed in recent storms

Elburn Tornado Brings Number to Seven in Kane County in 12 Months

​​Crews from the National Weather Service (NWS) surveyed damage from a storm that moved through Kane County on June 23, 2024, and determined an EF-0 tornado with peak winds of 75 miles per hour touched down near Elburn at 10:37 p...
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Picture of Anna Green Showerman accepting the Purple Heart Medal on behalf of her late father World War II U.S. Army Staff Sergeant John W. Green.

Family Receives Local WWII Hero’s Medals After 80 Years with Assistance from Kane County

​A years-long effort to posthumously bestow military decorations to a 22-year-old World War II U...
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Pictures courtesy of Kane County ROE

Kane County ROE Holds Crisis Reunification Training

This month, the Kane County Regional Office of Education (ROE) hosted three training sessions designed to prepare school districts and emergency responders for effective family-student reunification during a crisis...
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Kane County staff and Board members enjoy Swedish Days.

Kane County Joins in Swedish Days Parade

​Kane County staff and Board members enjoyed walking in the Grand Parade, capping the 74th Annual Swedish Days Festival in Geneva...
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Perched atop a small hackberry tree, a male red-winged blackbird eyes a curious naturalist walking along the Fox River Trail in Geneva.

Good Natured: Red-Winged Blackbird Season

​Every year about this time, certain wild neighbors start making headl...
Kane County Blood Drive

Thank You - Kane County Government Blood Drive Exceeds Expectations

The recent Kane County Government blood drive, held in collaboration w...
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The Kane County Sheriff Plans Stepped-up Traffic Enforcement for July Fourth Holiday

As Independence Day approaches, the Kane County Sheriff is gearing up ...
Meet Xena!

Kane County Animal Control Pet of the Week - Xena

​“Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet...