Spotlight on Jake Zimmerman, Superintendent of the Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission
Kane County Connects Staff 8/1/2022 11:00AM
Jake Zimmerman was hired in 2013 as the Superintendent of the Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission. Zimmerman and his staff are responsible for the welfare of over 20,000 veterans in Kane County. Among the Commission's main responsibilities is helping veterans navigate the benefits they earned for serving the nation.
Zimmerman is a veteran himself, serving with the U.S. Coast Guard.
His resume is impressive and his work is more than admirable. Kane County is not alone in its gratitude for Zimmerman and his staff for their dedication.
The email below was recently sent to the County Board Chair:
Dear Madam Chair,
I want to say so much but my concern is that I will not find the proper words to explain the issue I have with Mr. Jake Zimmerman. In today’s world the only time you will hear from someone is if they have an issue or complaint.
The issue with Jake is that there just isn’t enough of him to spread around. I’m sure you know how valuable he is to Kane County but do you really know?
Jake will never admit it himself, but from us that are out in the field and talking to other veterans, he has turned many lives around. And with so many of the issues that veterans carry and don’t discuss I am confident that he has saved many lives.
And what else is recognizable is that his staff, Steve Wells and Nate Johnson, carry on that same attitude. Nothing seems to be too challenging.
I send this to you in hopes that you could find some special way to recognize Jake and his team and on behalf of all the veterans they have assisted and served to give them a huge thank you.
By no means is their job easy but they appear to make it seem that way to take the burden off those they are helping.
No matter where we go throughout the county, whenever a veteran starts to ask questions about his or her personal issues the first thing anyone says is “HAVE YOU TALKED TO JAKE?”
Please find some way to recognize him and let him know that we all care very much about what he does for all of us.
He shies away from recognition but I guess this time he’ll just have to get over it.
Thank you for listening.
Joe T.
Combat veteran