South Elgin Storm Damage/Branch Pickup Continues
From the Village of South Elgin
aftermath of the July 4 storm continues to present a challenge. After
removing damaged limbs and trees from the Village’s right-of-ways, our
Public Works crew is working on chipping residents’ branch piles on the
east side of the river where the mature tree canopy was hit incredibly
And those piles blossomed over the weekend as residents had time
to clean up backyards and other areas strewn with branches and limbs. It
will be another full week of chipping and clean-up as our crews move
east to west across the Village.
Please note Groot also picks up branches as part of the regular trash/recycling collection (branches must be less than 4 feet, they may be bundled and placed with the garbage, or they may be placed in an open top garbage can or landscaping bag marked “yard waste”).
Source/South Elgin Facebook Post