Mural and Artist Selected for Public Art Project in East Dundee
Kane County Connects Staff / Depot Life Newsletter 3/31/2023 9:00AM
A few months ago, the East Dundee Arts Council solicited a Request for Qualifications/Proposals for public art for an outdoor environment that reflects the spirit of the Village of East Dundee. The Arts Council received 18-20 proposals from artists and narrowed down the selection to 3 artists.
At the March 20th Village Board meeting, the Village Board approved a proposal from Madeline Deiters, of Threeline Art, for muralist services to be located at 7 N. Jackson Street. The below image is a draft of what we can expect to see soon, with some final adjustments expected to be updated to the final mural.
Proposal Description:
"This concept is a way to highlight the Fox River from a different perspective, and also a way to showcase the wildlife found near East Dundee. This celebration of nature conveys the invisible landscapes of East Dundee, and brings awareness to the ecosystem around them as they stroll on the Fox River Trail. This rendering displays the Eastern Box Turtle, Ducks, the American Bullfrog, the Largemouth Bass, and the Illinois Pondweed."