2nd Annual Kane County Specialty Courts Spring Fundraiser
Kane County State's Attorney Jamie L. Mosser and Sheriff Ron Hain cordially invite members of the community to the second annual Inn Recovery Spring Fundraiser, supporting the Kane County Specialty Courts Foundation.
The event is scheduled for Thursday, May 2, 2024, from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at the Kane County Judicial Center, located at 37W777 IL Rt 38, St. Charles, IL. Tickets are priced at $50 per person and can be purchased at bit.ly/KaneCountySpecCourtsFundraiser2024.
Your ticket includes dinner prepared by Chef Porfirio and the Inn Recovery student trainees. You will also have the opportunity to connect with fellow supporters of the Specialty Courts and hear about their vital work.
Throughout the evening, guests will have the opportunity to bid on items in a silent auction and participate in a 50/50 raffle. Musical entertainment will be provided by the talented Loren Golden.
Kane County is dedicated to assisting justice-involved individuals with clinically diagnosed substance use and mental health disorders through its four Specialty Courts: Drug Rehabilitation Court, Treatment Alternative Court, Veterans Treatment Court, and DUI Court. The Specialty Courts Foundation offers crucial supplemental support to participants, ensuring their successful completion of treatment and court-mandated activities.
For more information on these initiatives, visit the Kane County Specialty Courts website at http://courtservices.countyofkane.org/Pages/Specialty-Courts.aspx.
Adult Drug Court
The Kane County Drug Rehabilitation Court (KCDRC) provides an alternative to incarceration for defendants whose criminal behavior is linked to the abuse of drugs. It is the mission of KCDRC to reduce the incidence of drug use, drug addiction, and crimes committed as a result of drug use and addiction. This specialized court brings together substance abuse professionals and local social service programs who work with justice professionals in a non-adversarial, collaborative approach. The presiding judge and probation team maintain extremely close supervision of each individual in the Drug Rehabilitation Court program. All participants are required to have frequent court appearances, successfully complete treatment, secure employment and be randomly drug tested a minimum of twice per week. Incentives, sanctions, and therapeutic adjustments are given to motivate participants to make positive changes in thinking and behavior. Approximately 750 participants have successfully graduated from the program since its inception of the program in 2000.
DUI Court
The Kane County DUI Court began operations in June 2023. It is the mission of the Kane County DUI Court to reduce substance use disorder, reduce repeat DUI offenses, and to reduce crimes committed as a result of a substance use disorder. The program aims to achieve these goals through restorative care, treatment, and legal accountability for DUI offenders in Kane County through an immediate and highly structured judicial intervention program for substance abuse treatment for eligible defendants that brings together substance abuse professionals, local social programs, and intensive judicial monitoring in accordance with the Illinois Supreme Court Problem-Solving Court Standards. The Kane County DUI Court is a post adjudicatory program for defendants who have admitted guilt and upon successful completion may have their felony DUI dropped to a misdemeanor and reunite families within our community.
Treatment Alternative Court (TAC)
The Kane County Treatment Alternative Court began operation in February 2006, accepting the first participant into the program in April 2006. The mission of the Kane County Treatment Alternative Court (TAC) is to guarantee justice for criminal defendants with mental illness, co-occurring disorders, or developmental disabilities, to enhance public safety, and promote the continuity of mental health care in the community. TAC is intended to be a systematic approach that brings together community-based agencies to address defendants' needs and to provide comprehensive case management in an effort to reduce future criminal activity and incarceration in the Kane County Adult Justice Center. The defendants work closely with the Court Personnel and the treatment team to facilitate positive behavioral change and reduce criminal recidivism. Additional objectives of the program are to create effective interactions between mental health and criminal justice systems, improve public safety, and reduce the length of confinement of mentally ill defendants.
Veterans Treatment Court
The Kane County Veterans Treatment Court began operations in May 2018. The mission of the Kane County Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) is to break the connection between military service members and their mental illness, alcohol and drug use, and criminal activity. VTC is intended to be a systematic approach that brings together VA-based services and community agencies to address Veterans involved in the Justice system's needs and to provide comprehensive case management in an effort to reduce future criminal activity and incarceration in the Kane County Adult Justice Center. Through the coordinated efforts of the judiciary, staff, and community service providers, the Kane County Veterans Treatment Court seeks to improve our community by helping veterans successfully complete mental health and substance abuse treatment to remain clean and sober. We seek to reduce drug-related crime and reunite families within our community.
For more information on these initiatives, visit the Kane County Specialty Courts Website.
For security reasons, no jail residents will be attending the event.