Spring Cleaning -- Thrift, Resale, Recycle -- What's the Difference?
As springtime inches closer, for some, so does the urge for a good spring cleaning. According to the American Cleaning Institute, 74% of Americans participate in an annual spring-cleaning tradition. Before discarding or giving away your excess items, think about the possibility of recycling them, donating them or earning extra cash by selling some of them.
Thrift, Resale, Consignment -- what's the difference?
Resale shops, according to the National Association of Resale and Thrift Shops, are stores that purchase merchandise outright from individual owners. While both consignment and thrift shops fall under the category of resale shops, a consignment store specifically consigns its inventory, while a thrift store is operated by a not-for-profit organization to support charitable causes. Not-for-profit agencies often acquire goods through donations or operate on a consignment basis, and some do both. On the other hand, consignment shops accept merchandise on a consignment basis, paying owners a percentage of the selling price when the items are sold. Typically, these shops pay owners between 40 to 60% of the selling price and have varying display and selling policies, ranging from 30 to 90 days. Additionally, some consignment shops may purchase items outright from owners or wholesalers.
To check out Kane County's advice on recycling items, upcoming recycling events, permanent recycling centers and more, check out the 2024 Kane County Green Guide by clicking here.