Kane County Government Departments Closed for In-Person Business Due to Hazardous Winter Weather
Kane County Connects Staff 1/23/2024 5:00AM
Kane County Government non-emergency departments will be closed for in-person business on January 23, 2024, due to icy winter weather affecting area roadways. Virtual services will be available during regular business hours. In-person services at other Kane County Government offices may vary and the public is urged to call ahead for hours of operation.
Kane County 16th Judicial Circuit Courts - All Kane County Courthouses will be closed for in-person operations on January 23, 2024. All scheduled court cases will be conducted via Zoom. For questions and/or assistance accessing Zoom go to the website KaneCourt.org or call the Kane County Law Library & Self Help Legal Center at 630-406-7126.
- For an emergency, call 9-1-1
- To find local weather updates 24/7, go to the National Weather Service / Chicago website at www.weather.gov
- Check the Emergency Closing Center for the status of Chicagoland area schools, businesses, daycare centers & organizations. www.emergencyclosingcenter.com
- For individuals seeking additional resources for housing, food, mental health, and other essential needs in Kane County, call 2-1-1.
- For a list of warming centers in Kane County, go to the Kane County Health Departments website at https://www.kanehealth.com