Smart Salt Management and a Mild Winter Adds up to Savings at KDOT
Kane County Connects Staff 3/21/2023 11:00AM
According to the National Weather Service, 16.8 inches of snow was recorded for the region between December and the end of February, which is 12.8 inches below normal.
The mild winter and smarter salting practices combine to save the County on salt, overtime pay and fuel costs.
The Kane County Division of Transportation (KDOT) reports as of March 6, maintenance crews have been out 26 times so far this winter season, using an estimated 5,500 tons of salt. This same time last year, crews were deployed 31 times and used about 6,700 tons of salt, and in 2021, crews were sent out 45 times with about 10,000 tons of salt used.
Climate figures for meteorological winter (December, January, February) in the Chicago region according to the National Weather Service are as follows:
• The average high temperature was 38.5 degrees, which is 3.9 degrees above normal.
• The average low temperature was 25.0 degrees, which is 3.4 degrees above normal.
• The average temperature for the season was 31.8 degrees, which is 3.7 degrees above normal.
• 8.59 inches of liquid precipitation were recorded, which is 2.52 inches above normal. • 16.8 inches of snow were recorded, which is 12.8 inches below normal. • The first 1+inch snowfall of the winter season fell on November 15-16.
• 16.8 inches of snow were recorded, which is 12.8 inches below normal.
• The first 1+inch snowfall of the winter season fell on November 15-16.