Owl Puke: 101
Forest Preserve District of Kane County 12/1/2023 1:00PM
Time: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: Creek Bend Nature Center
This month, the quarterly science lab is diving into the study of owls. Owls are a majestic bird of prey with a natural digestive habit that may make some of us cringe, but tells us a lot about the lives of these amazing creatures. Learn some fun facts about owls and get the unique opportunity to dissect your own owl pellet. This program is for ages 8 and above.
"EcoLab: Owl Puke 101"
Wednesday, January 3; 1 – 3 p.m.
Creek Bend Nature Center
37W700 Dean Street, St. Charles
Fee: $5/person; advance registration required.
To register, call 630-444-3190, email programs@kaneforest.com or click here.