A Season of Improvements: Kane County's Key Road Projects for 2024
Kane County Connects Staff 4/19/2024 10:00AM
Below is a list highlighting the Kane County Division of Transportation's (KDOT) major construction projects of 2024. Drivers are reminded to use caution and obey speed limits when driving through work zones. And, remember,
using handheld phones is illegal when driving anywhere in Illinois
- Longmeadow Parkway Bridge Corridor – This year KDOT will finish paving the last mainline roadway section from Sandbloom/Williams Road to the Bolz Road Connector. This work is anticipated to get started in May and has a Sept. 15, 2024 contract completion date. At the completion of this contract, Kane County will host a ribbon cutting ceremony to open the new (toll free) bridge over the Fox River and last roadway segment to the travelling public. This project is considered a "once in a lifetime" project for the staff at KDOT because of its scope. This is the second such project bringing a new bridge over the Fox River, the Stearns Road Bridge Corridor being the first. See http://kdot.countyofkane.org/Pages/Projects/Longmeadow-Parkway-Bridge/Longmeadow-Pkwy.aspx for additional information.
- Dauberman Road Extension from US 30 to Granart Road – This project will construct a new grade separated structure over the BNSF RR and over US 30. At the completion of this contract this fall, KDOT will be hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony to open this new roadway extension which will improve safety, access and system continuity. See http://kdot.countyofkane.org/Pages/Projects/Dauberman-Road-Extension/Dauberman-Road-Extension.aspx for additional information.
- Plank Road from Engel Road to Waughon Road federal safety-funded improvement – This project will include the addition of wider paved shoulders, wider edge lines, centerline and edge line rumble strips, and associated ditch/drainage improvements with a fall 2024 target completion. See http://kdot.countyofkane.org/Pages/Projects/Plank%20Road%20Highway%20Safety%20Improvement%20Program%20(HSIP)%20Projects/Plank-Road-Highway-Safety-Improvement-(HSIP)-Projects.aspx for more information.
- Fabyan Parkway at Western Avenue - Work will include earth excavation, roadway reconstruction, HMA pavement, storm sewer facilities, drainage structures and landscape restoration. Also included is the reconstruction of the existing multi-use path along the south side of Fabyan Parkway from Western Avenue to IL Route 31. Anticipated completion in fall 2024
For more information on all of KDOT's projects, both past, current and future, go to http://kdot.countyofkane.org/Pages/Projects/Highway-Projects.aspx.