Volunteer Event to Clean Up Geneva Creek Corridor May 11
The Kane County Forest Preserve District is working to restore Geneva Creek, which runs along the south border of the Kane County Government Center Campus. A stream restoration construction project is being planned and designed for later this fall.
The Kane County
Forest Preserve District is inviting everyone to their volunteer natural area clearing event Saturday, May 11 from 9 a.m. - Noon to help cut and clear the invasive brush and trees along the creek corridor
in advance of the construction project. Come out and help the Forest
Preserve District with the restoration of the creek that runs through the County’s
campus! No RSVP is necessary.
Volunteers must
meet at the lower parking lot near the pavilion and check in with the Forest Preserve staff prior to
starting work.
Volunteers will meet
at the lower parking lot near the pavilion and work at various locations along
the creek between the Fox River, the Geneva Grotto and west up towards IL Rt
31. You can bring your own hand tools such as loppers and small handsaws,
or the Forest Preserve District will have some available to use, too.
Come out and enjoy the outdoors on a Saturday morning and help restore Geneva
For more information
contact Robb Cleave, KCFPD Volunteer Coordinator, at 630-762-2741 or CleaveRobb@kaneforest.com