Let's Get Ready to Recycle!
Kane County is once again hosting an annual recycling extravaganza event on Saturday, July 9, 2022 from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. at 540 S. Randall Road in St. Charles.
There will be NO document shredding at this event. Visit https://www.countyofkane.org/Recycling/Documents/FinalExtravaganzaPoster.pdf for a list of items you can recycle, restricted items, costs and additional details about the event including a map of where to drop off recyclables.
Prepare to have material unloaded in this order, at three different zones:
- Fluorescent Tubes, Batteries, Electronics, Scrap Metal, Clothing and Textiles (pack last, will be unloaded first)
- Books, Shredded Paper/Confetti, Bikes and Bike Accessories, (pack 2nd)
- Styrofoam, Latex Paint, Aerosol Products and Camp Fuel Canisters (pack first, on bottom)
Tips for an optimal extravaganza experience:
- Please arrive between the hours of 8 a.m.- 11:45 a.m. Please do not arrive early, as it creates a traffic jam prior to opening and can impede vendor set-up.
- Residents should approach northbound on Randall Rd. and turn right into the event. The Kane County Office of Emergency Management may close the left turn lane into the event if it impedes traffic.
- Please review the map at the above link to see station placement and the order for material unloading and pack your car accordingly. This helps us to serve attendees more efficiently.
Still seeking volunteers: Do you want to help your neighbors recycle? Fun in the sun, snacks and pizza will be your reward! The Recycling Coordinator can sign off on volunteer hours for various programs. Sign up online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_ZALJ1LQ2Q8OGO7CK9ZEbvcyzxojazN_fjCR4_-rpJ3ynyg/viewform or email recycle@countyofkane.org.
Partners Include: Kane County Environmental and Water Resources, eWorks Electronic Services, Inc., Pacesetter Books, Flat Can Recycling, EPaint Recycling, DART Container Corp, Fluorecycle, Call2Recycle and Working Bikes.
Please visit http://www.countyofkane.org/recycling for more information, or contact Clair Ryan, Kane County's Recycling Program Coordinator at recycle@countyofkane.org or 630-208-3841 with any questions.