Summit on Hunger in Kane County
Kane County Connects Staff 9/19/2022 12:00PM
Hunger and food insecurity are complex problems with layers of reasons that often impede solutions.
On Saturday September 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., public educators, social workers, and those in the medical profession will gather to discuss the reasons hunger persists in Kane County and ways to resolve food insecurity.
Speakers include:
• Michael Isaacson, Executive Director of the Kane County Health Department
• Ron Hain, Kane County Sheriff
• Dr. Michael Mongomery, Executive Director of Food for Greater Elgin
• Julie Yurko, Northern Illinois Food Bank CEO
The Kane County Hunger Summit is open to the public and will be held at Northern Illinois Food Bank, 273 Dearborn Court, Geneva, IL 60134. Registration can be found online here.
September is Hunger Action Month. See the Kane County Connects story for ways to help.