KDOT Workers Out Keeping County Roads Ready for Winter
Kane County Connects Staff/KDOT Facebook Post 11/29/2022 9:00AM
Old Man Winter decided to visit Kane County and the Chicagoland area a little early this year when compared to years prior. Many may have already seen the Kane County Division of Transportation (KDOT) trucks out and about salting icy roads and clearing slush off of the roadways.
With an earlier season KDOT wants to remind the motoring public to please be aware of the ever changing road conditions; and of KDOT's dedicated team of Highway Maintainers that will be out and about throughout the county over the next few weeks putting up snow fencing in various locations. 

KDOT currently maintains roughly 740 lane miles of road in Kane County, which averages about 35 miles per snow route.
As always, remember not to crowd a snow plow or travel beside the truck. Snow plows travel slowly, make wide turns, stop often, overlap lanes, and exit the road frequently. If you find yourself behind a snow plow, stay far enough behind it and use caution if you must pass the plow.
On slick or snow-covered surfaces it’s harder to keep control of and stop your vehicle. Be sure to increase your following distance enough so that you’ll have plenty of time to stop for vehicles ahead of you and maintain in control.
Visit the KDOT website for more info: www.kdot.countyofkane.org