Kane County Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Update
The Kane County Division of Transportation (KDOT) and its consultant team have produced a draft update to the Kane County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan. The project team attended one event, the Fox Valley Marathon Expo (September 2022), prior to drafting an Existing Conditions Report.
Moving forward, the project team will attend two more events: the Aurora Food Truck Festival (May 5, 2023), and Batavia’s Indoor Farmers Market (May 13, 2023) to collect feedback on the proposed facilities and policies. KDOT encourages residents, municipal leaders, and advocates to submit public comments on the plan.
The submitted public comments will help inform the project team of its recommendations before the draft is finalized and put before the Kane County Board for approval. The public comment period opened on April 27, 2023, and will remain open until May 15, 2023.
To submit a public comment, visit the project website or email planningstaff@co.kane.il.us. A hard copy of the plan can be accessed at KDOT offices (41W011 Burlington Rd, Campton Hills, IL 60175). Public comments can also be mailed to KDOT offices.
To view and download the draft plan, visit www.kanecountybikeplan.com. Those interested in learning more about the project can contact KDOT staff at planningstaff@co.kane.il.us.