Update to Kane County's Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Kane County Connects Staff 9/26/2022 7:00AM
Kane County has begun an update to its Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan, the guiding document for the County’s bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and policies.
The goal of the project is to develop a connected, county-wide network of walking and bicycling trails and facilities.
The county will use this plan to pursue grants and implement projects on the Kane County highway system, and work to connect to networks maintained by municipalities and other agency partners. One outcome of the plan will be to develop a mapping tool that shows the status of trails and projects during the planning and implementation stages, and develop a working list of funding sources that are used to fund design and construction.
Major components of the plan include incorporating industry guidelines and best practices pertaining to bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Guidelines for accommodation in urban, suburban, and rural contexts will help ensure the plan serves all residents and visitors of Kane County.
Kane County’s previous Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan was adopted in April 2012.
Since the last Plan, the County has experienced demographic changes, along with shifting infrastructure needs, notably the record nationwide increase in bicycle and pedestrian fatalities. These changing demographic trends and a demand for safety further highlight the need for an update to the Plan.
Engagement events have begun including the September Kane Kendall Council of Mayors Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee and the Fox Valley Marathon Expo.
Input and feedback received at these events will guide the project’s initial efforts and research. Further events will be hosted in Spring 2023 as the project progresses.
To share your thoughts about the Plan update, please take this survey by clicking HERE, which will be open until late October.
Residents interested in learning more about the project, can contact KDOT staff at planningstaff@co.kane.il.us or visit kanecountybikeplan.com.