Tree Trimming to Briefly Close Parts of Prairie Path and Fox River Trail
Tree trimming projects expected to continue through September 15 will briefly close portions of the Elgin Prairie Path and Fox River Trail in South Elgin.
Two tree-trimming projects will prompt intermittent closures of the trails, when ComEd contractor Asplundh will remove any trees that are interfering with power lines, and trim back others that are close to utility lines.
The first project is along the Elgin Prairie Path between Dunham Road in Elgin to the Kane County line near Wayne. The second project is along the Fox River Trail between Villa Marie Road and State Street in South Elgin. Both projects began July 26 and are expected to be completed September 15.
The Forest Preserve District of Kane County asks trail users to be mindful of the projects, heavy machinery being used, and of the possibility of intermittent trail closures during the time frames indicated. Signs for the projects will be displayed at both ends of projects to alert trail users.
For more information, contact the Forest Preserve District at 630-232-5980 or visit www.kaneforest.com.
SOURCE: Forest Preserve District of Kane County media release.