How to Participate in National Preparedness Month
There are many ways to take part in National Preparedness Month in Kane County communities.
Get ready for any event- With the incidences of natural disasters rising year after year, it makes sense for every citizen to prepare themselves. Visit official websites like Ready.gov, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to learn more about how to reduce risks to life and property in the event of any major disaster.
Run mock safety drills- Test out your safety plan, build a disaster kit with all the essentials, and run your loved ones — especially the kids — through what to do if disaster hits. This can give you a better chance of emerging on the other side with minimal losses.
Support community preparedness- Look around, and we are sure you will find multiple ways to get involved long before disaster strikes. You can volunteer at the Red Cross, for your Neighborhood Watch, at the local fire station, or even visit the Citizen Corps to get a better sense of how your talents can be used.
Everybody is trained to have a game plan- In the event a disaster hits, every second will count. The lessons — and the safety plan — we create during National Preparedness Month can help every household be better prepared for different disasters.
The community is safer- Learning how to protect yourself is the smartest step you can take to help your community. The more people that are prepared, the faster your community can recover from the effects of the disaster.
We reduce losses … and fear- Fear and panic increase the losses brought on by the disaster. Simple Preparedness activities like floodproofing the house and securing items that can shake loose in the event of earthquakes can reduce the damage.
Below are some links to help you be better prepared: