Law Enforcement on High Alert for Impaired Drivers This Holiday Weekend
More than 200 law enforcement agencies across the state are stepping up efforts to arrest impaired drivers as part of the 'Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over' national Labor Day campaign.
The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) and Illinois State Police (ISP) are reminding drivers that alcohol-and drug-impaired driving is not a game.
“The simple fact is getting arrested for driving under the influence is easily avoided by simply making the decision to not get behind the wheel after using alcohol or any other impairing substance," said Cynthia Watters, IDOT's bureau chief of Safety Programs and Engineering. “It's not worth the risk of large fines, increased insurance premiums, attorney fees or potentially killing yourself or someone else."
During the campaign, which runs through Labor Day, ISP is joining local police and sheriff departments to conduct high-visibility enforcement during peak periods for impaired driving, while reminding motorists that Driving Under the Influence is a serious crime with real-life, sobering consequences.
be out in force to keep impaired drivers off the roads with the goal of
ensuring our community’s residents
and visitors make it home safely once the parties end,” said Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain.
“If you’ll be celebrating,
we urge you to plan ahead for a sober ride.”
"Driving while impaired due to alcohol or drugs is illegal and the Illinois State Police will be out in full force this holiday weekend enforcing the law," said ISP Director Brendan F. Kelly. “The cost of driving while impaired can be deadly, not only for the driver, but for any passengers as well as other people on the roads. The solution is simple – don't drive while impaired."
The “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" and “Click It or Ticket" programs in Illinois are funded with federal highway safety dollars administered by IDOT.
SOURCE: IDOT and Kane County Sheriff's Office media release