Kane County Board Sets Compensation Levels for November 2024 Elected Offices
The Kane County Board has voted to establish the salaries for countywide elected officials who will take office following the election on November 5, 2024.
By a vote of 12-11, members of the Kane County Board set the compensation for the offices of the Kane County Auditor, Circuit Clerk, Coroner and Recorder at $109,242 per year, with a 2% annual increase for the following three years. These increases take effect in December 2024 when the newly elected individuals take office. Salaries for these full-time positions have remained flat since 2013.
Currently, the Circuit Clerk makes $90,655, the Recorder receives $89,507 and the Coroner and Auditor are paid $88,214.
The County Board also voted to set the annual compensation of the future 24 elected County Board members at $30,000, an increase of $5,000. The County Board pay adjustment takes effect in December 2026.
Board members in Lake County make $43,018 a year, DuPage County Board members make $52,102 a year, and McHenry County Board members make $23,000.
The individual elected to the Kane County Board Chairman office in November will continue to be compensated at the current annual rate of $105,000.
Comparably, the County Board Chair in DuPage is currently paid $131,559, Lake County Board Chair receives $97,408 and in McHenry County, the Chairman is paid $82,200. All three counties also employ a full-time County Administrator. Kane County does not have an Administrator position.
The County Board determines the salaries of its members, its Chairman, the Circuit Clerk, the Auditor, County Clerk, Coroner, Recorder of Deeds, Sheriff and Treasurer. The State of Illinois determines the salary of the State's Attorney based on the population of the county he or she serves.
The Kane County board had until June 3, 2024 to set salaries for future elected board members and countywide elected officials who appear on the November 5, 2024 ballot.