Early Voting Expands in Kane County
There are now more places to cast an early ballot in Kane County before the primary election on June 28, 2022.
The Clerk's Office has seven permanent in-person early voting sites which are open 7 days a week with varying hours:
- The Kane County Clerk's Office location in Geneva, 719 S. Batavia Ave. (Building B) and in Aurora, 5 E. Downer Pl. (Suite F)
- Fire Station No. 93, 5000 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Carpentersville
- Elgin Township, 729 S. McLean Blvd, Elgin
- Gail Borden Library, 270 N. Grove Ave, Elgin
- Kane County Branch Court Conference Center, 530 S. Randall Rd, St. Charles
- Vaughn Athletic Center, 2121 W. Indian Trail, Aurora
Eighteen additional early voting sites with varying hours will also be available throughout the county. Early voting ends on June 27, 2022.
“Having early voting locations throughout the county makes voting more convenient and accessible," Clerk John A. Cunningham said. “Since we created our Voter Outreach Program in 2016, early voting has become even more popular with voters. If you plan to vote early, I encourage you to consider voting during the first week of expanded early voting, as we usually have the highest turnout in the last few days before Election Day."
To see more information about early voting locations and hours, check to see if you are registered to vote or view a personalized sample ballot, go to www.kanecountyclerk.org or call (630) 232-5990.
Primary Election Day is June 28, 2022.
SOURCE: Kane County Clerk media release.