Virtual Deicing Workshops in October
Chloride levels in northeastern Illinois rivers, lakes and wetlands have been on the rise for decades. This increase parallels the increase of roads and parking lots that have been built and the subsequent increase of salt applied to those surfaces. Chlorides cause damage to vehicles, infrastructure and the environment, particularly the health of our local waterways.
The only way to reduce the impact of salt on the environment is to reduce the amount of salt we use. Salt does not breakdown or degrade. Once it is in the water or the soil, it is very difficult and expensive to remove. Watch this quick PSA to learn how much salt you should be using to de-ice your driveway
Together we can protect our rivers by shoveling first and using the right amount of salt – all while maintaining safety on roads, parking lots, driveways and sidewalks!
If you are a local business owner, private contractor, or responsible for salting a parking lot, street, or community, join us for the Northeast Illinois De-Icing event of 2022! This year's workshops will be in a webinar format.
The workshop webinars communicate how to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) that reduce the amount of salt used in snow fighting operations and to address NPDES Permit Requirements. Certificates of Attendance will be provided upon request. For more information, FAQs and registration links, please visit https://saltsmart.org/workshops/
There is a $50 registration fee for each workshop link, links can be shared among staff. Please contact KleeIvy@co.kane.il.us with any questions.
See workshop schedule and registration links below:
Public Roads
Parking Lost and Sidewalks