Community Reinvestment: Grand Victoria Riverboat Fund Applications Now Available
The Kane County Office of Community Reinvestment announced Thursday that applications for 2023 Grand Victoria Riverboat funds are now available. The Kane County Board has budgeted $1,116,842 for the initiative, which supports projects that help strengthen Kane County communities and improve the quality of life for area residents.
Every year, the Grand Victoria Riverboat Fund provides gap funding for activities that address local needs in the areas of education, the environment and economic development. Non-profit organizations and units of local government are eligible to apply for funding.
Applications must be prepared and submitted using the county's web-based application portal, hosted by ZoomGrants. The submission deadline is midnight Wednesday, March 1, 2023.
Projects will be evaluated for their effectiveness at meeting the needs of area residents, leveraging other funding, readiness to proceed, and overall community impact and urgency. The staff of the Kane County Office of Community Reinvestment is available to answer questions regarding application procedures, project eligibility requirements, and the Grand Victoria Riverboat Fund in general.
Since its inception in 1997, Kane County has received a total of $159,117,060 from the Grand Victoria Casino. At its height in 2002, the county's annual share was more than $12 million. This year, the county projects its share will be $5,389,906.
The County Board has a long history of distributing a portion of its annual share of revenue from the Grand Victoria Casino to local non-profits and units of local government. Last year, the board selected a total of 22 “external" projects and awarded those projects a combined $588,231.