Climate Action Plan to Create Blueprint for Change Across Kane County
Kane County has taken the first step toward creating a countywide Climate Action Implementation Plan (CAIP). On Tuesday, August 9, the Kane County Board approved a contract with paleBLUEdot, a sustainability consulting firm, to guide the county in the development of the initiative. The plan will utilize the Climate Action Plan published by the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus in 2021, to create a more personalized, detailed outline on how Kane County municipalities can implement action and strategies to fight climate change in their community.
“The Climate Action Implementation Plan will be an excellent sustainability plan update for Kane County," said Jodie Wollnik, Director of the Department of Environmental and Water Resources. “We want to engage with local stakeholders to understand what climate issues are at the forefront in our communities, and learn how the County can support municipalities with tools and resources to implement a climate action plan at a local level."
paleBLUEdot will assist the County with a data analysis of current Kane County climate projects, greenhouse gas forecasts, and develop a vulnerability assessment to understand the largest climate risks facing the county.
“This work is very important," said Kane County Resource Management coordinator, Ivy Klee, “Kane County's municipalities have very different needs, but climate change intersects with everyone's work, so we want to make sure with this plan we are supporting the folks who are dealing with these issues firsthand. This plan will provide a framework or starting point for our municipalities to inform and create their own plans."
Kane County staff will work with the consulting firm to create stakeholder groups and host listening sessions to engage the public. The County will be looking for a diverse set of perspectives from individuals with knowledge about agriculture, public health, the economy, equity, transportation, community development, education and energy. The stakeholder groups will help establish the goals, strategies and adaptations that should be included in the action plan, and what tools local community leaders will need to implement those goals.
Kane County Energy and Environmental Committee Chair Mavis Bates says she is proud to see this initiative progress. “Climate change is the biggest threat to our quality of life today. We all see the encroaching effects of climate change on the news every day – from floods, to droughts, to terrible wildfires," said Bates. “We have to do what we can right here in Kane County to help mitigate climate change. This plan will move us forward in doing our part."
To get involved in the Climate Action Implementation Plan, please reach out to Ivy Klee at KleeIvy@co.kane.il.us