Accelerated Workforce Training Offered Through Community College and Kane County Partnership
Elgin Community College, Kishwaukee College, and Waubonsee Community College have partnered with the Kane County Office of Community Reinvestment to offer job skills training services through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
The collaboration between the colleges and Kane County allows each institution to share resources and connect WIOA‐eligible job seekers to credentialed training programs.
Unemployed adults and underemployed workers in Kane, Kendall and DeKalb Counties can qualify for access to funding to cover training expenses for in‐demand careers.
“This exciting partnership provides an extraordinary boost to our local workforce by helping individuals retool and train for high‐demand jobs in our region,” said Ron Ford, Chair of the
Workforce Development Board. “Most importantly, this initiative offers life‐changing opportunities by providing industry credentials at little to no cost to the job seeker.”
WIOA is a federally funded program geared toward helping individuals gain the professional skills necessary to start or advance their careers. To expedite the earning of corresponding
credentials, small cohort training options will be offered at each college and class costs for books, tuition, and supplies will be supported by WIOA funding for eligible and suitable
These accelerated training programs will also offer career counseling and support to match job seekers with local employers based on their skill set.
Upcoming programs at the colleges include:
- Basic Nurse Assisting
- Pharmacy Technician
- Information Technology (IT)
- Truck Driver Training
- Welding
- Supply Chain Management
- Automotive
- Adult Education
For more information regarding the programs available above or to see if you qualify for WIOA
training assistance, visit:
- Elgin Community College at https://www.elgin.edu/about‐ecc/workforce‐development/
- Kishwaukee College at https://kish.edu/faculty‐staff/job‐skills‐partnership.php
- Waubonsee Community College at https://www.waubonsee.edu/communityofferings/resources‐unemployment
To learn more about general job search assistance and support services available across the three‐county area, you can also contact workNet Batavia at 630.762.2120 or
Funding is through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA,) as authorized by the local Workforce
Development Board that services Kane, Kendall and DeKalb Counties, and is available to individuals meeting
eligibility requirements. Equal Opportunity program. Auxiliary aides and services available upon request to
individuals with disabilities. For more information visit, https://www.countyofkane.org/WDD/.