Volunteers Needed for Kane County's Annual Recycling Extravaganza
“Kane County's Annual Recycling Extravaganza returns on Saturday, July 22, 2023 to the Circuit Clerk's building at 540 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, and volunteers are needed to help with a variety of tasks from 7:15 a.m. – noon." Are you able to help?
Refreshments will be provided for volunteers throughout, and lunch will be brought in at noon.
There is a broad variety of tasks for different abilities/interests, including checking people in and handing out postcards (no lifting), light lifting (moving items like light bulbs, aerosol cans, or styrofoam), and moderate-to-heavy lifting (moving paint cans, batteries, electronics, books, or bicycles).
We ask that all volunteers be 16 years old to attend solo, or 14 years old if supervised by a parent or guardian. Staff can sign off on volunteer hours for a variety of programs.
For more information, or to sign up, please email Clair at recycle@countyofkane.org, or call (630) 208-3841. If signing up by email, please provide a contact phone number and preferred activity level. Please respond by July 14.