Kane County State's Attorney and Sheriff Warn of Fake Treasurer Website
Kane County Connects Staff / Kane County State's Attorney / Sheriff 5/4/2023 9:00AM
Kane County State’s Attorney Jamie L. Mosser and Sheriff Ron Hain wish to warn the public about a fake website that purports to be the Kane County Treasurer’s site.
Anyone who encounters this site should not attempt to make a payment through it.
The authentic Kane County Treasurer’s site, www.kanecountytreasurer.org, has Kane County Treasurer Chris Lauzen pictured in the upper left. In addition, the tab to make an online payment has the Kane County seal in the upper left, the treasurer’s office address and telephone number in the upper right, and users must click on a terms of use agreement before they can search for their tax bill or make a payment.
The authentic site is secure. The fake site is not secure.
The fake site address is misspelled and includes several links, one for online payments, one for legal records, one for court documents, and one for vehicle registration renewal.
Kane County Sheriff’s investigators are looking into the fake site.
Anyone with information about the fake site should call the Kane
County Sheriff’s Office at (630) 444-1103.