Kane County State's Attorney's Office Responds to Election Day Complaints
St. Charles, Ill. - Kane County State’s Attorney Jamie L. Mosser announces that Kane County’s General Primary Election Complaint Hotline fielded and responded to five telephone calls during Tuesday's election day voting.
Assistant State’s Attorneys also visited each polling place in the County to ensure compliance with the Illinois Election Code and to advise election judges of their availability to provide legal assistance as necessary.
The details
From 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, representatives from the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office managed the Election Complaint Hotline to take complaints about potential violations of Illinois election laws. Throughout the day, Attorneys also traveled around the county's voting precincts to address concerns and ensure compliance with the Illinois Election Code.
Three complaints regarding electioneering were received. Among these was a report of a voter refusing to take off a hat that was supportive of a candidate on the ballot. In a second instance, an individual was reported for passing out campaign materials at the door to a polling place. Another caller explained they felt intimidated by a poll watcher who was also a candidate on the ballot. Each complaint was thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions were taken in consultation with election judges to address the concerns raised.
Additionally, a complaint regarding the audible disclosure of personal information during voter registration was addressed in accordance with election regulations. The Illinois Election Code requires election judges to verify voter information and permits poll watchers to be able to hear voter information.
The fifth incident concerned a missing race on a voter's ballot. Following an inquiry by the state’s attorney's office, it was determined that a boundary error had affected a small number of voters. The County Clerk’s Office is continuing to investigate and correct the issue.
Individuals with questions about election rules or voting access can go to the Kane County Clerk’s website at https://clerk.kanecountyil.gov/Elections.
SA Mosser said: “The General Primary Election Day ran smoothly and with integrity. The Kane County Clerk’s Office and election judges worked hard to make the day accessible and efficient for all voters. I am pleased to have supported them in their efforts and I thank the Kane County Sheriff’s Office for their presence and assistance as well.”