Confiscated Items: Insights from the Courthouse
At the entrance of all five Kane County court locations, visitors are met with signs detailing prohibited items. The Kane County Sheriff's Office is responsible for security at the courthouses.
Despite these warnings, court security workers seized 720 banned items last year, according to a recent sheriff's office report.
It is at the discretion of Court Security whether an item is allowed in the building. If security deems an item a possible weapon or security risk, it will not be permitted in the court facility. Food and drinks are also prohibited, except for those with health issues (e.g., diabetics), Kane County employees, and individuals summoned for jury duty.
Prohibited items include (but are not limited to):
- Knives
- Razor blades
- Alcoholic beverages
- Corkscrews
- Knitting needles
- Glass items
- Electronic cigarettes
- Aerosol sprays
- Padlocks
- Handcuff keys
- Marking pens
- MACE-type sprays
- Chains
- Heavy metallic belts
- Pepper/OC sprays
- Scissors
- Nails, screws, etc.
- Motorcycle helmets
- Tools
- "D" ring key holders
- Cameras and tape recorders (with exceptions)
Vaping devices are NOT allowed in the courthouses as well.
Individuals with prohibited items that are not illegal will be given the option to return the items to their vehicle or have them confiscated and disposed of by Security. Security will not hold items due to liability and space constraints.
Kane County Courts consist of five divisions: Civil, Family, Felony, Juvenile, and Misdemeanor/Traffic. In-person cases for these divisions are heard at various courthouses throughout Kane County.
Kane County Courthouse
100 S. Third Street
Geneva, Illinois 60134
Kane County Judicial Center
37W777 Route 38
St. Charles, Illinois 60175
Kane County Juvenile Justice Center
37W655 Route 38
St. Charles, Illinois 60175
Kane County Branch Court
530 S. Randall Road
St. Charles, Illinois 60174
Aurora Branch Court
1200 East Indian Trail Road
Aurora, Illinois 60505
Elgin Branch Court
150 Dexter Court
Elgin, Illinois 60120