Kane County Sheriff Urges Drivers to Make Safety First Priority
Kane County Sheriff's Office 8/25/2022 9:00AM
From the Desk of Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain
The past week in Kane County has brought an increase in the amount of fatality and serious injury accidents with four separate traffic crashes that resulted in the loss of three lives.
Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain, along with staff at the Kane Country Sheriff’s Office wish to not only bring awareness to this sensitive topic, but also to assist in providing critical steps to help reverse this devastating trend.
One goal that has never strayed from Sheriff Hain is to save lives on Kane County roadways and we will continue to work to do so. These vehicle crashes have occurred in multiple areas of the county in the past ten days.
The Kane County Sheriff’s Office works to identify the geographical areas most impacted by these incidents and will continue to provide additional traffic enforcement and other awareness tactics in hopes of decreasing the crashes on Kane County roadways.
For example, in the last three months Sheriff Hain and his deputies have made 1,535 traffic stops. 604 stops resulted in a citation being issued. 931 stops resulted in a written warning. However, we cannot keep our roadways safe alone.
We need the public’s aid in providing safer travel in Kane as we all travel to and from our destinations.
We urge drivers of all ages to remember that when they get behind the wheel or in the vehicle with a friend, co-worker, or a family member, to engage in safe practices.
This includes not driving impaired, proper child safety restraints, proper seat belting, along with honoring speed limits throughout the county.
The devastation not only within the past 10 days, but also throughout the years has weighed heavily on the Kane County Sheriff’s Office while responding to these crashes.
The Kane County Sheriff’s Office will continue to enhance our efforts and partnerships in our campaign for safer roadways.
Source: Kane County Sheriff's Office
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