On the Lookout for Ice Jams on the Fox River
As the suburbs gradually warm after last week's extreme cold, weather experts suggest that a widespread snowmelt is improbable. However, residents along waterways are advised to remain vigilant for ice jams and potential flooding.
An ice jam, or ice dam, happens when chunks of ice clump together to block the flow of a river. This can cause flooding in communities near the river.
Kane County is monitoring the Fox River for ice jams but are not currently concerned about widespread flooding.
“We are not concerned about a system-wide flood at this time, but understand that an ice jam could cause localized flooding," said Scott Buziecki, Director of the Kane County Office of Emergency Management Director
He says it's also important to understand that Kane County does not have a history of flooding caused by ice jams, at least not in the last decade or so.
If someone along the Fox River in Kane County sees an ice jam beginning to form, they can call the Office of Emergency Management at (630) 208-8911. After hours, press 1 for the KaneComm (the dispatch center).
For more info about Ice Jams, go to https://www.weather.gov/safety/flood-hazards and click on “Ice/Debris Jams”