Rare Salamander Found in Kane County Forest Preserve
Forest Preserve District of Kane County Facebook Post 3/13/2024 7:00AM
Exciting news! The Forest Preserve District of Kane County is reporting the first blue-spotted salamander (Ambystoma laterale) has been spotted in a Kane County forest preserve!
Sensitive location information will not be shared in order to protect this unique species.

Thanks to the Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) for sharing their 2023 research. This rare sighting of an adult male and eggs indicates that breeding is occurring. We’ve long hoped that these vertebrates had been frequenting our preserves, but the proof is in the pudding, or in this case, vernal pool!
High quality, mesic woodlands with ephemeral pools serve as prime habitat for this elusive amphibian. These fleeting depressional wetlands, or vernal pools, temporarily hold water in the spring to early summer. They play a critical role in the successful breeding of amphibians and invertebrates. 

Blue-spotted salamanders are an indicator of ecosystem health; and, as such, their presence reinforces various restoration and conservation efforts District-wide. We’re proud to be home to yet another irreplaceable species!
*Please be advised that the destruction or removal of natural resources from any preserve, such as plant material, fungi, wildlife, etc., in the form of foraging or otherwise, is strictly prohibited and may be punishable by a fine. In addition, while out in the preserves, please remember it is our responsibility to protect and preserve natural areas.*
For comprehensive ethical “herping” guidelines, visit https://bit.ly/FieldHerpingEtiquette. For more information, please visit our General Use Ordinances here: https://kaneforest.com/upload/UseOrdinance.pdf.