Traffic Alert / Montgomery Road at Virgil Gilman Trail Closure
Construction is scheduled to begin the week of August 28th, for the Montgomery Road at Virgil Gilman Trail improvements located in Montgomery, Illinois. Improvements include installation of new rectangular rapid-flashing beacons with pedestrian push buttons and realigning the trail crossing to a 90-degree angle. Other improvements include a relocated parking lot, curb installation, advance pavement markings, new signage and landscape restoration. The anticipated completion date for the project is September 30, 2023, weather permitting.
The above mentioned road will remain open during construction, however trail crossing improvements shall cause the Virgil Gilman Trail to be closed between Jackson Street and South Union Street. Pedestrians should avoid this area during construction. Work hours will be primarily Monday through Saturday from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Motorists should expect delays while traveling through the work areas and should add additional time to their commutes.