Kane County NOT Affiliated with Recent Free Water Testing Mailer
Kane County Government is informing homeowners about a recent issue regarding potentially misleading postcards related to water testing.
The postcards in question are coming from a private company using the header “Kane County Water." The postcards are not associated with or endorsed by Kane County Government.
The postcard from the private company also encourages residents to have a free water test done "as soon as possible." Residents who receive one of these postcards are urged to exercise caution and verify the source and legitimacy of any testing service before proceeding.
If your water is supplied by a municipal water supplier, you can find the annual water quality report on their website or by contacting them at the phone number shown on your water bill. If you are on a private well, water testing recommendations are found on the Kane County Health Department website at https://kanehealth.com/Documents/Water/WaterWellSystemGuide12-10.pdf.
Kane-DuPage Soil & Water Conservation District offers cost-effective Private Well Test kits during March and October https://kanedupageswcd.org/kd/water-testing.
Should you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Kane County Department of Environmental and Water Resources directly at 630-232-3497 or the Kane County Health Department at 630-208-3801.