Early Voting Begins in Kane County February 8, 2024
Early Voting for the March 19 Primary Election begins Thursday, February 8 and continues until Monday, March 18.
“As we are about to start what should be a very active 2024 election season, I want to encourage Kane County voters to consider using one of our many convenient Early Voting centers for the Primary Election.," said Kane County Clerk Jack Cunningham. "As Clerk, I have increased voting accessibility for Kane County voters. We have the most in person Early Voting sites in the surrounding counties. You can vote early at any of the Early Voting centers in Kane County, including Votemobile sites, based on whatever location is most convenient to where you live, work, or shop."
From February 8 to March 1, Early Voting will be available Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. only at the County Clerk's Office locations, 719 S. Batavia Ave., Bldg. B, (Geneva) and 5 E. Downer Place, Suite F (Aurora).
On March 4, Early Voting expands to include 25 sites, including nights and weekends at some sites. The Permanent Early Voting sites open 7 days a week (hours vary) include the Kane County Clerk's Office locations in Geneva and Aurora; Fire Station No. 93, 5000 Sleepy Hollow Rd., Carpentersville; Elgin Township, 729 S. McLean Blvd., Elgin; Gail Borden Library, 270 N. Grove Ave., Elgin; Kane County Branch Court Conference Center, 530 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles; and Vaughn Athletic Center, 2121 W. Indian Tr., Aurora. Other sites will have varying dates and hours.
A list of all Early Voting sites, dates, and times is available at clerk.kanecountyil.gov/Elections/Pages/Early-Voting.aspx.
Cunningham added that Early Voting is one of the most popular voting options for Kane County voters. He credited the growth to the Clerk's Voter Outreach Program (VOP) and partnership with local businesses and governments to encourage Early Voting on their digital signs, as well as the expansion of Early Voting locations across the county.
Voters can also apply for a Vote by Mail ballot either online or on paper. The online application portal is available at clerk.kanecountyil/.gov/Elections/Pages/Vote-by-Mail.aspx. Voters who wish to apply for a VBM ballot for the March 19 primary online can apply online. Those who wish to apply for permanent VBM status and receive a ballot for every election must complete a paper application which can be downloaded from the Clerk's website or requested by calling the Clerk's Office at (630) 232-5990. VBM ballots will be mailed to voters who have requested them beginning Feb. 8.
Sample ballots personalized to the voter's home address are available at clerk.kanecountyil.gov/Elections/Pages/Voter-Search.aspx. Voters can enter their last name and address to find all the candidates that will be on the party primary ballot of their choice.
Voters are encouraged to follow the Clerk's Office on social media, on Facebook at @kanecountyclerk and X/Twitter at @KaneCoILClerk to find updated information about the election, including the pending court cases. More information the March 19 Primary Election is available at clerk.kanecountyil/gov/elections or by calling (630) 232-5990.