A Message of Gratitude to Essential Workers
Kane County Connects Staff 12/26/2022 7:00AM
For most of us, the holidays represent time away from the office and a chance to catch up with family and friends. But throughout Kane County, there are thousands of individuals who work tirelessly during this special season.
During the pandemic, we called them essential workers. These dedicated individuals, whose jobs can't be done remotely and aren't 9 to 5, are our unsung heroes.
We recognize those workers: police officers, firefighters, 911 and medical professionals along with individuals and volunteers who care for the isolated, homeless or hungry. We acknowledge the many public workers who maintain our roadways, keep our needed services operating, the employees of our local grocery/retail stores and gas stations, restaurants, transportation providers and small businesses.
As we gather to celebrate this holiday season, I encourage you to take a moment to thank the essential workers who enhance or safeguard our lives.
They have my year-round admiration and appreciation.
Corinne M. Pierog
Kane County Board Chairman
Letter to the Editor Daily Herald Published 12-25-22