Kane County Board Recognizes Patriot's Day, Constitution Day, and Hispanic Heritage Month
Kane County Connects Staff 9/14/2024 5:00AM
The Kane County Board approved three proclamations at their September meeting to honor the memory of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, to commemorate the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution, and to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month. The proclamations were presented to Medal of Honor recipient Allen Lynch through Kane County Veterans Assistance Commission Superintendent Jake Zimmerman, members of Kane County AMVETS, and Karina Garcia, President of Aurora’s Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

WHEREAS, September 17, 2024, marks the 237th anniversary of the framing of the Constitution of the United States; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. §106(a), the United States Congress has designated September 17th as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day” in the United States; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of “Constitution and Citizenship Day” is to commemorate the formation and signing on September 17, 1787, of the Constitution of the United States, and to recognize all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens of the United States; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. §106(d), the United States Congress has urged the civil and education authorities of States, counties, cities, and towns to make plans for the proper observance of “Constitution and Citizenship Day” and for the complete instruction of citizens in their responsibilities and opportunities as citizens
of the United States and of the State and locality in which they reside; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. §108, the President of the United States is requested to issue each year a proclamation that designates September 17 through September 23 as “Constitution Week” and invites the people of the United States to observe “Constitution Week” in schools, churches, and other suitable places, with
appropriate ceremonies and activities; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. §106(a), the United States Congress has designated September 17th as “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day” in the United States; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of “Constitution and Citizenship Day” is to commemorate the formation and signing on September 17, 1787, of the Constitution of the United States, and to recognize all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become citizens of the United States; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. §106(d), the United States Congress has urged the civil and education authorities of States, counties, cities, and towns to make plans for the proper observance of “Constitution and Citizenship Day” and for the complete instruction of citizens in their responsibilities and opportunities as citizens
of the United States and of the State and locality in which they reside; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to 36 U.S.C. §108, the President of the United States is requested to issue each year a proclamation that designates September 17 through September 23 as “Constitution Week” and invites the people of the United States to observe “Constitution Week” in schools, churches, and other suitable places, with
appropriate ceremonies and activities; and
WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to accord official recognition to the Constitution of the United States and its memorable anniversary, and to the patriotic celebrations in Kane County that will commemorate it.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, by this County Board of the County of Kane, that it hereby commemorates September 17, 2024, as “Constitution and Citizenship Day” and September 17 through September 23, 2024, as “Constitution Week” in Kane County, and it encourages all citizens to reaffirm the ideals
the Framers of the Constitution of the United States had in 1787 by protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, by this County Board of the County of Kane, that it hereby commemorates September 17, 2024, as “Constitution and Citizenship Day” and September 17 through September 23, 2024, as “Constitution Week” in Kane County, and it encourages all citizens to reaffirm the ideals
the Framers of the Constitution of the United States had in 1787 by protecting the freedoms guaranteed to us through this guardian of our liberties.
WHEREAS, on September 11th, 2001, terrorists launched an unprecedented andcoordinated attack on the United States of America, resulting in the tragic loss of nearly 3,000 innocent lives in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Shanksville, Pennsylvania; and
WHEREAS, in the days following the attacks, the nation united in mourning, with a
Presidential proclamation declaring September 14, 2001, as a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the victims, and subsequently, September 11th was designated as Patriot Day, a National Day of Service and Remembrance; and
WHEREAS, state and local governments, as well as the people of the United States, are encouraged to observe Patriot Day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities, and to display the flag of the United States at half-staff in honor of those who lost their lives; and
WHEREAS, this day provides an opportunity for all citizens to reflect on the resilience, courage, and unity that emerged from this tragedy and to participate in community service as a tribute to the heroes and victims of September 11th, 2001.
THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Kane County Board does hereby
proclaim September 11th, 2024, as Patriot Day in Kane County, and calls upon all citizens to observe a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time in memory of the innocent victims of the attacks, and to participate in acts of community service as a tribute to the spirit of unity and service that defines our nation.
Passed by the Kane County Board on September 10, 2024.
THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Kane County Board does hereby
proclaim September 11th, 2024, as Patriot Day in Kane County, and calls upon all citizens to observe a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time in memory of the innocent victims of the attacks, and to participate in acts of community service as a tribute to the spirit of unity and service that defines our nation.
Passed by the Kane County Board on September 10, 2024.
WHEREAS, each year from September 15 to October 15, the United States celebrates
National Hispanic Heritage Month by recognizing the history, heritage, and contributions of Hispanic Americans whose ancestors came from Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, and Central and South America; and
WHEREAS, Kane County, Illinois, honors the rich roots of Hispanic heritage, and the
many chapters generations of Hispanic Americans have added to our country's story; and
WHEREAS, the Hispanic or Latino population in Kane County, which makes up 32.5%
(168,609) of the County’s overall population of 517,254 as of the 2022 census, has been integral to the growth, prosperity, and cultural enrichment of Kane County, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the Hispanic community in America has made significant advances in
various fields, including law, religion, agriculture, art, music, education, politics, technology, architecture, cuisine, theater, and exploration; and
WHEREAS, the Hispanic-American community continues to leave a lasting mark on the governmental, cultural, and economic landscape of Kane County, enhancing society with diverse traditions, perspectives, and talents;
THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Kane County Board does hereby
proclaim September 15 to October 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month and encourage residents to learn about the heritage, culture, and contributions of the Hispanic and Latino communities in our county and beyond. Passed by the Kane County Board on September 10, 2024.
National Hispanic Heritage Month by recognizing the history, heritage, and contributions of Hispanic Americans whose ancestors came from Mexico, Spain, the Caribbean, and Central and South America; and
WHEREAS, Kane County, Illinois, honors the rich roots of Hispanic heritage, and the
many chapters generations of Hispanic Americans have added to our country's story; and
WHEREAS, the Hispanic or Latino population in Kane County, which makes up 32.5%
(168,609) of the County’s overall population of 517,254 as of the 2022 census, has been integral to the growth, prosperity, and cultural enrichment of Kane County, Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the Hispanic community in America has made significant advances in
various fields, including law, religion, agriculture, art, music, education, politics, technology, architecture, cuisine, theater, and exploration; and
WHEREAS, the Hispanic-American community continues to leave a lasting mark on the governmental, cultural, and economic landscape of Kane County, enhancing society with diverse traditions, perspectives, and talents;
THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Kane County Board does hereby
proclaim September 15 to October 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month and encourage residents to learn about the heritage, culture, and contributions of the Hispanic and Latino communities in our county and beyond. Passed by the Kane County Board on September 10, 2024.